Happy 5th Birthday!

Friday, June 14th, 2013

Last week we celebrated your fifth birthday. Grandma and Baby Megan came as usual. We had some other friends over like Charu, Hanesh, Violet and her sister Luna. (more…)

Safari Trip!

Monday, June 10th, 2013

A few weeks ago we went to the Safari in Winston Oregon just an hour south of Eugene. Perseo said “That was the coolest thing I’ve ever done! In my whole life!”. We had a great time and I’m so glad you were with us. I’m still going through the photos but I’ll get them up soon.

Dreams & Memories

Saturday, May 11th, 2013

I just had a heart wrenching dream; a personal biography played out in my head of the of who my father is to me. I was just like a movie, very emotional and even set to music with some scenes in sepia. It ended with my Dad standing in the ruins of an old wood house that was worn to it’s studs and a pile of dust. He stood there smiling and I ran to him and jumped into his arms and to my surprise it was just like I was 5 again. It was from a perspective of him already being gone (more…)

Your fourth fourth

Thursday, July 5th, 2012

You just feel asleep to the clapping of countless fireworks in Aloma’s arms. We had a great day at grandma’s house. We bbq’d and made cupcakes and elephant ears before lighting off a few fireworks of our own. You fell asleep before I could tell you so… Sweet dreams. I love you.


My little spider-pony

Sunday, May 27th, 2012

Hey Avani,

Aloma, Perseo, Sekoya and I dropped you off at your Papa Kruse’s house earlier today and we already miss you. We had a little coloring session after working in the garden and I made you this picture. I love you lady! (more…)

Little reminders

Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

Avani, I love that you leave me these little reminders of how I love you!


Star Wars 3D!

Friday, April 13th, 2012

We just saw Star Wars together, your first time! (more…)

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Bear Infested Waters

Tuesday, February 14th, 2012

Millions of years of evolution seems to have a nasty side effect… survival of the fittest. It’s one in the morning and I woke up having what to me is a horrible nightmare but must sound crazy. First it was just a raging river with trees and rocks crashing against some rocky cliffs. (more…)

Oh the Places You’ll Go!

Tuesday, January 10th, 2012

I love Dr Seuss! I think the Lorax is your favorite 🙂 I use to read this little story to you can Cadence. When I saw this video I just had to share it with you. (more…)


Tuesday, January 10th, 2012

Welcome to the wonderful world of snowboarding. Every year I set aside a dedicated time for snowboarding between Christmas and New Years and this year, it was great to have you with me. I hope we can do it each year. (more…)

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